American Express SPG Business Card Review

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Available Credit Cards

Intro APR: 1.95%*
APR: 19.95%*
Annual Fee: $0*
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Intro APR: N/A*
APR: 19.99% to 26.99% (var)*
Annual Fee: $0*
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Businesses need a credit card with a number of perks. The Starwood Preferred Guest Business Card by American Express provides a number of travel rewards, easy account management and various other rewards that can be used all year long.

Businesses Enjoy a Number of Features

The Starwood Preferred card isn't just a credit card. There are various benefits that include:

  • Points for every dollar spent
  • Front of the Line Access
  • Business Savings Program
  • Plan for Small Businesses
  • Protection on Purchases

You will have the ability to earn points for every dollar spent on the credit card. Your account will begin with a certain number of StarPoints. These points can then be added to all year long. The points will then be redeemed when you decide for free hotel stays at Starwood properties, free flights on a variety of airlines and other travel rewards. There are no blackout dates, so you travel when you wish.

Front of the line access provides tickets to entertainment. This feature allows you to purchase tickets to events all over the world that are either sold out or not on sale yet. This is the easiest way to get tickets without waiting in line or on hold.

The Business Savings program is another advantage of having the card. This allows you to receive discounts on a number of services from participating companies. This includes rental cars, computers, shipping and various other companies. It's a complimentary membership with the card.

There is also a disability plan for small business. This ensures that your company is protected against various financial hardships. The longer you have the card, the more your benefits will increase.

Protecting purchases is important, too. When the card is used to purchase anything, it will automatically double the original warranty by the manufacturer up to one year. In addition, many purchases are protected against theft and physical damage. This allows you to enjoy all of your purchases for longer than you would with other credit cards.

Online Account Management Makes Tracking Easier

You will get a username and password that can be used to access the account online. Here, you can find out about the balance, look at past expenses and contact customer service easily. The account breaks out the expenses by category and by cardholder. Online expense management reports also make doing taxes at the end of the year easier.

There will be quarterly and annual reports to help track expenses. This allows you to manage your business more effectively. The reports can be printed or downloaded. 2 years' worth of expense reports will be available online for viewing at all times should you need it.

Travel Rewards Occur All Year Long

There are travel rewards that take place all year long with carrying the card in your wallet. When you book any travel with the card, you will automatically be entitled to these services free of charge, making travel more affordable.

Enjoy travel accident insurance for you and your family when you book any travel with the card. Any supplemental cardholders are also covered. This ensures that there is accidental death and dismemberment insurance on everyone that you are traveling with. It also prevents you from having to get a separate travel insurance policy, saving you money.

Anything can happen when you travel, though the card protects you in various instances. You will have insurance against flight and baggage delays. This ensures that you are covered to be able to purchase what you need in the event that your flight is delayed somewhere or that your baggage doesn't arrive at the same time that you do.

There is also travel emergency assistance provided with this American Express card. When you are out of town and have medical or legal questions, call customer service. They will be able to provide you with referrals 24/7. This service is always available by phone, 365 days a year so that you can travel anywhere in the world and get the help that you need.


It's time to apply for a card that really makes a difference. The Starwood Preferred Guest Business Card is designed to help small businesses by providing them with a quality credit card. The application is available online and you can find out if you've been approved within minutes.

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